What Belongs? - WHAT BELONGS is a lesson module in the LittleFingers Classroom Series. Each lesson focusses on one specific area of learning. Lesson modules need LittleFingers Autoplayer to run. For more modules visit the LittleFingers site at http://www.little-g.com/lessons.html. Ellie the Elephant explains similar and different with an example. She shows groups of 3 objects. Click on the object that doesn't belong, for example the ice cream cone does not belong with the lion and the mouse. Then match similar objects to the one shown. Pick one from a set of 3 and move it to the box by dragging with the mouse. For example the ghost matches the pumpkin. Take the quiz for more practice on both exercises. The tutorials are in a child's voice and are given with clear examples. As in other modules this is fun to do, with encouraging feedback! Ages 4 to 8 free to try, $5 to register each lesson (Autoplayer is free) Windows 95/98